Saturday, December 21, 2024



  1. These entries are getting more and more cryptic.
    I'm glad you're back anyway. Err! You're back, right?

    1. I will have one new review ready to publish on Christmas Eve and I hope to have another ready to publish for Christmas.

    2. Thank you. I must confess I missed your quality reviews.
      The writing, the exhaustiveness and above all the insight.

      You often provide the context for the creation of these wads.
      For a latecomer to fan content like myself, your input is priceless.

    3. Thank you! The amount of material that I have scoped into my reviews since, say, 2014 makes it awkward to go back and read the first three or four years. I have written a lot of things from a harsher perspective than I currently have.

  2. Really glad to see you back. You were a big inspiration for my own blog.

    1. Thank you! I sometimes wonder what the overall impact of my writing about Doom has been and if it has helped to revitalize PWAD criticism then I can rest assured that I've connected with some part of the community. Awesome blog! I'll be sure to add it to my WAD review database!
