Most of what I know about Wraith came from a megaWAD I haven't played yet but am familiar with due to its subject matter: Wonderful Doom, a loving tribute to the Ultimate Doom, which many have enjoyed with others slagging it for its... thorough level of devotion. Enter Alpha Accident, another megaWAD for the original Doom that's been in development for quite some time. I remember playing the crazy demo level but I've also had the opportunity to play each map as it's been completed. As of 2016, the first episode is finished. It's basically source port agnostic, especially thanks to a bit of extra work from some helpful forums goers, but is limit-removing due to the dreaded visplane overlord (plus a few levels break game saves).
The story takes place in conjunction with the original Doom. Remember Mars? Well, your squad happens to be the ill-fated first responders to Phobos, including Our Mutual Friend Doomguy. You stick around while the rest of the team lights out to the research station. Your official title is "Marine Security Inspection Officer". Wraith sort of mentions it but you're on the red planet investigating corporate misconduct. The Mars facility - at least, the part you're located at - is a prime example of rusted, run-to-failure operation. It could just be that the guilty parties at the UAC had you garrisoned there as a sort of passive-aggressive fuck you. In any case, Mars proper falls to the Demon rush a few hours after your buddies respond to the Phobos distress call. You only survive because of the reluctance of two guards to investigate a body. Checking it out yourself places you outside when the demons arrive, leaving you on the best side of a blast door... and with a very long way home.
AA is not another pipe dream attempting to manifest the promise of the Doom Bible. Like the Favillesco and Nihility episodes, its alpha association is mostly due to the appropriated assets. In Wraith's case there have also been a number of edits to said resources in order to create a familiar yet alien aesthetic, a description I believe I've used to describe Nihility. Alpha Accident establishes a different atmosphere, though, one that has little if anything to do with horror. The MIDI soundtrack evokes shades of the '94 era of Doom mods though if I recall correctly this is not so much a deliberate choice and more Wraith just pulling from the same sources used by lots of early WAD authors.
Aesthetics are the least important fashion in which Alpha Accident differentiates itself. Wraith's design language involves incredibly complex and non-linear layouts combined with a variety of gameplay changes that made me think of some kind of dungeon crawler. The core of Doom's action is there but all of the added objects create a more... tangible experience, for lack of a better phrase. First: the non-toxic barrel. It will impede your progress like its normal sibling but when "killed" it merely falls over and no longer serves as an obstacle. Depending on the situation these barrels can serve as a hindrance or as consumable cover from enemy fire.
More exotic is the storage crate, a destructible object containing a potential pickup, like health, ammo, or armor. In actuality the crate is just a larger thing that sits on top of the item it "contains" but as another environmental addition it gives Alpha Accident a more interactive feeling. There are two different varieties of columns for you to destroy. One resembles a slightly discolored classic tech pillar but blows up in a dangerous explosion. The other cannot be damaged except by splash damage from rockets, adding another function to the rocket launcher and perhaps setting up a devious secret further down the line where the player must use a Cyberdemon to blast away said hindrances.
There are a handful of new monsters, too. Two are regulars and lend greater credence to the idea of the UAC as some sort of technological firm but their ubiquitous presence on the terraforming colony might have raised some questions. Sentry guns function as stationary turrets and utilize a hitscan attack. You'll usually find them in fortified positions but they're more of an annoyance given that they can't move and periodically announce themselves like any other self-respecting Doom monster. Their comrades, the sentry bots, are far more dangerous. They can move and they can fly, worming their way toward the player much like lost souls but faster and their hitscan attacks make them a high priority target.
The last of the new monsters serves as a sort of final boss but much like the Barons in Doom there's more than one of them, unleashed in a finale. They appear to be some sort of space marine phantasm, specterized shadows firing bursts of plasma and most importantly having the ability to WALK THROUGH WALLS. Much in the same vein, projectile attacks pass in and out of them. This leaves you with your two workhorse weapons, of course, and the fact that these Pioneers Over Company H start out scattered around the final area makes it a very tricky fight. I wouldn't relish meeting these guys in future episodes...
Wraith does make a few weapon modifications. The first one is a subtle increase to the rate of fire of your sidearm, making it a less frustrating weapon for pistol starts since the increased speed makes for more damage and a better chance of stunlocking beefier foes. I believe that the rate of fire of the chaingun has been tweaked in your favor as well. These small boons come at the cost of a major annoyance for Doom veterans, however. The latter weapon has a little bit of "recoil" added on the wind-down frames in an attempt to discourage chaingun tapping. In practice, I believe that many players will just curse under their breath and continue to snipe using the chaingun rather than use the pistol as Wraith intended. The weapon alterations also boost your bullet count to 450 with the backpack and 225 without.
All of these objects of uncertainty are then liberally sprinkled throughout nine levels, most of which are massive and field an impressive number of secret areas and passages along with multiple routes allowing you to pursue your own fate. E1M1 is fairly large and fails to hint at the labyrinthine depths to follow. Its piping nightmare corridors and nuke trenches give way to the massive cargo holds of "Fright Yard", then rolling into the pseudo-city of "The Colony" before finishing inside of a massive underground cavern complex in "Terraformer". It's kind of like the original episodes meet Eternal Doom but using a more traditional set of tricks and replacing the texture cheats with destructible objects. If you're one of those players rushing to the next fight a la Crank then you might want to give Alpha Accident a pass. If so, though, you probably wouldn't be caught playing the original Doom in the first place.
Speaking of action, Alpha Accident is all about the E1 style. It moves somewhere between drip feed and babbling brook and uses very basic surprise tactics like lurker-in-the-corner and monster closets as well as stuff you don't see as often such as walk-to-player-from-distant-closet ambushes. Whenever the levels open up there are usually plenty of places for monsters to snipe at you from. You'll even encounter a few big arena firefights, none more so than the mighty octagon in "Fright Yard" where you are embattled with successive crates full of monsters, usually encroaching on your position from several different directions. Each map is sort of slow to start but Wraith has tried to make the pistol a more attractive firearm. Ammo and health begin scarce in pretty much every level, emphasizing that pseudo-survival horror feel of Doom. You'll eventually build up a good head, especially if you chase down any of the myriad secrets. The later levels are much quicker at punting you into the fray.
I really like Alpha Accident. I hope to see Wraith drag it out to its intended conclusion; I'd be even happier if he continues to stick with the labyrinthine level design. Doubly so if he could find a kindred spirit to do his wishlist of custom work, especially if it means any more new objects to mess around with. While I can't guarantee you'll have as much fun as I did I think that there's plenty here for fans of the original Doom to enjoy.

by Eugene "Wraith" Guschin
by Eugene "Wraith" Guschin
This post is part of a series on
Doomworld's 2016 Cacowards
Doomworld's 2016 Cacowards
The Top Ten | Best Multiplayer | Runners Up |
Tech Gone Bad | AeonDM | Warphouse |
Ancient Aliens | 32in24-16 | THT: Threnody |
Nihility: Infinite Teeth | Best Gameplay Mod | Bloodstain |
Mutiny | Doom 4 Doom | Strange Aeons |
Absolutely Killed | Mordeth Award | Echelon |
Elf Gets Pissed | Doom the Way id Did: | Shadow of the Wool Ball |
Comatose | The Lost Episodes | |
Miasma | Mockaward | |
Alpha Accident: Terra Nova | Ludicrium | |
Japanese Community Project | Mapper of the Year | |
Blades of Agony E1 | Lainos |
I was hoping you'd have pics of the ghost marines, too, but I imagine they're just "fuzzy" like the spectres.
ReplyDeleteIs it weird that I think the brain turrets are kind of adorable in a twisted sci-fi way? Maybe because they remind me of the Bow enemies from PO'ed: boogly-eyed, brain-powered death buggies that fire bouncy projectiles and jibber-jabber when they take damage.
yeah the ghost marines look exactly what you guessed, specterized soldiers.
DeleteTerra Nova is well worth the price of admission alone! But it would be nice if AA was still alive.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a little while but I've actually played E2M3 and seen the design docs for the rest of the episode's maps. Wraith is simply not a public developer.